Aged and health care security

Aged and health care security

Aged care facilities are sensitive areas that requires specialised security solutions especially in this COVID-19 era. The elderly is an integral part of a respectful society and looking after them is always done with honour and integrity. For them, only the best security solutions should be utilised. Pinnacle Protection offers security solutions to protect your elderly and ensure covid-safe compliance.

Minimise security threats with Onsite Security Officers

Our security officers who will minimize security risks to your aged care premises. We will ensure:

  1. Visitors are identified and signed in
  2. Suspicious people are moved on
  3. Prevent illegal drug abuse and other illicit substances are removed from site
  4. General security and well-being of the premises

Pinnacle Protection’s security personnel are respectful and well-versed with dealing with elderly people with tender care. Making sure that your elderly feel safe, honoured and at ease in the presence of our officers is something we strive to maintain.

CCTV cameras

We also offer CCTV cameras for 24/7 surveillance of your premises. Our security support team can inspect and advise you on the most strategic locations for cameras and the type of cameras you wish to install.

Alarms and car patrols

Alarms and car patrols are a cheaper security option to ensure a minimum security presence. If an intruder enters your premises or a security door is breached, an alarm will sound, calling for a security car patrol to arrive and deal with the breach.

Covid-safety in and around healthcare facilities

Pinnacle Protection’s security officers are able to ensure covid-safe procedures for health-care professionals and elderly patients are followed. This includes:

  1. Escorting staff and patients around the facilities where necessary while maintaining 1.5 meter distance rules.
  2. Masks are worn
  3. Hand-sanitizer dispensers are available
  4. Visitors sign into QR codes

For more information on how we could help you with your aged care facility, contact us today on 1300 590 572 or email for free advice or to book a site inspection.


Yes. They have all received at least 1 dose of the vaccine. Contact us and let us know what your covid-19 related health expectations are and we will match it for you.

We can monitor and log incoming deliveries into the facility and keep an eye on foreign drug-trafficking around the premises. Vulnerable people are often targeted by drug-traffickers, but with security onsite, these criminals will be repelled and sent away.